Wednesday 17 September 2014

I analysed the advertisement for the Coke Zero advert in which they use a James Bond theme to appeal to a target audience that enjoys action adventure. The advertisement uses synergy to connect with the viewers for the advert so they included the James Bond theme as celebrity endorsement. Using celebrity endorsement not only helps the people creating the advert but is also advertising James Bond the movie as it is getting people excited to watch the movie.
The advertisement starts off with a man walking looking very confident and smart towards a woman who is holding a Coke Zero and a few seconds later the action occurs and all of a sudden the floor starts to break apart. The man is now in jeopardy because he is in danger of getting to the woman; the woman then drops the Coke Zero which would make the viewers interested into what is going to happen next.
The next action adventure codes in the advertisement include bubbles quickly moving inside of where the Coke Zero has fell and I think the fact that they made the bubbles move quickly and not slowly was to show that this is no regular boring drink it is something exciting and spectacular. Suddenly, a car drives and an arm catches the coke and another car is racing to get the coke making it seem like it is such an amazing thing that everyone wants creating for action for the viewers. The other action in this advertisement which I think I the most important is when the men are fighting to get the woman which is also the Coke Zero.
These convey to the target audience the message drinking Coke Zero will make you a man as the car chase to get the coke seems so important and the man that gets the coke is the better man who gets the woman. These men are also in very nice cars that will appeal to women so the target audience would definitely be men ages from 20-40 as they would feel they want these amazing cars to get the women and the Coke Zero too as these smart men in the cars are competing to get the coke (for the women).
The brand colours of Coca Cola are shown in dark colours such as black, dark red, browns but also some white. The Coke Zero is black, white and red so the colours in the advertisement used the same colour so you are constantly thinking of the coke as you are seeing the same colours. I also think they use red as they show men fighting which can involve blood reminding the viewers that if you don’t win the fight for the coke you will get hurt which includes the blood. I think the white is used because white looks like a smart colour for suits reminding the men that you are smart and sophisticated in the colour white.
The man is constructed as a smart but strong person, he is wearing an attractive suit which makes him look appealing and strong and as he is fighting for his women. He also comes across as wealthy because of the choice of outfit and the cars used. Typical James Bond visual codes are included such as the action (cars and fighting), guns were involved and at the end when the bubbles turned into 0’s for the Coke Zero they looked like the 0’s in 007.
The women in the advertisement appear as weak to me, they watch the men fight and it the man who wins gets the women, and this makes the women look weak and more like a prize than a human. Although, they appear quite sexy for example in the scene when the women is walking and all you see are her legs and high heels which would seem quite appealing to men as well as the scene where they appear to be swimming in the bubbles very elegantly.
The music is used to remind people a lot of the James Bond theme as it sounds like the type of music you would hear in an action scene. I liked how the music kept changing as this keeps the viewer interested as there is always something else happening and not just the same pitch throughout the whole of the advertisement.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent: this textual analysis covers genre conventions (cars, weapons, glamour, action hero) and synergy (use of the Bond franchise to sell Coke Zero). You achieve top marks because of the level of detail (such as analysis of specific frames, camera angles and sound codes). Keep up this quality of work!
    Grade A*
