Tuesday 22 September 2015

The gender in this extract is not always typical because commonly in movies, the woman role is less superior than the male role. In this extract, the female role is just as good at her job of being a spy as the male role. For this reason the female role is not a typical stereo type. However, the stereotypic female role in movies usually falls for the handsome man, which is what happened in this extract. When the female was going up the lift to fight Gregorio, she fell in love by first sight which is a typical thing for women to do in movies as they are seen as weaker than the men.

Race and nationality:
Race and nationality is stereotyped in this extract by the good looking Mexican man, who was the male. Spanish/ Mexican men are usually tan which is thought to be attractive in a man. The reason for the male’s good looks meant that the woman fell in love with him as soon as she saw him. Race and nationality is also stereotyped in the extract when the male first appears. The music then plays some stereotypic Spanish music including a few guitar strums. The male also had a moustache which many people assume Mexican’s have.

Love and marriage:
Love and marriage in the extract is stereotypical in some ways but not in others. The love in Paris with fireworks is very stereotypical as Paris is thought to be the place of love. However, their love is not stereotypical in other ways because they have to hide from each other in order to stay safe. For example when the male proposed he didn’t get down on one knee and ask for marriage which is the stereotypical way of proposing. He instead quickly threw the ring from one end of the balcony to the other in a very secretive way. The other way their love is not stereotypical is because they do not show much public affection like kissing, as they are worried about getting caught. However, the final scene in the extract involves the two characters jumping off a bridge with parachutes that are heart shaped. This shows a forward typical love which does fit the love and marriage stereotype in movies.

Spies are very stereotypical in this extract. They wear suits to make them come across as smart and well put together. The woman also changes her wig every so often which is very typical for spies because spies try and disguise themselves as much as possible. This is the same as the male, who wore sun glasses to hide his identity which is a very typical accessory for spies.

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