Thursday 12 November 2015

In our film opening we are going to include reflecting objects. Ghosts are going to appear through mirrors, windows, puddles, a knife and a shattered mirror. We also have a scene where the husband is going to be washing his face and looking into a mirror when a ghost suddenly appears behind him and then disappears when he quickly turns around. A letter is going to show the husband what his wife has sent into the hospital. When the husband enters the lift he will see a crow and a doll.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

I am working with Chloe for my film opening. We have decided to base it on a story about an old man that takes women into the basement of his house (the mansion) and tortures them in a disturbing way. In class, we discussed our ideas and decided to begin the opening of the clip with a flashback scene. This flashback scene will include a woman that is attached to a table and is about to be tortured. This will show the background to the story. We will then skip to present day where a detective goes to find his missing wife who last told her husband she was going for a job interview before she mysteriously disappeared. The detective goes to the mansion to find his wife and here he witnesses a lot of supernatural ghosts of the girls the old man had tortured, seeking their revenge on men. The man then finds his wife's arm (plastic arm) on the floor, he then spots her wedding ring and the scene flashbacks to when he put the wedding ring on her finger so we know it's his wife.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Media homework-trailer questions
1.       The sub genres this Action Adventure trailers includes are fantasy, quest and disaster.
2.       The conventions in this trailer include suspense and jeopardy, these are shown through the music/sound effects. The first part of the trailer involves the mysterious letter written by Peter’s mother, during this you can hear the sound of a clock ticking which gives us a sense that in a short amount of time, something is going to happen. When the part of the letter is read out that says ‘I promise that you will see me again, in this world or another’. The music all of a sudden goes silent and Peter’s eyes then looks fearful as he repeats the words ‘or another’ suggesting something terrible was about to happen and he was going to leave the world he is living in. Suddenly, the music starts again but louder and more intense as mysterious creatures begin to steal Peter and his friends out of their beds and take them to a new world.

1.    3.   The child in this extract appears as the hero. He is not a typical hero as he is a child, stereotypically the hero is a strong grown man. However, the villain is very stereotypical. The villain in this extract is Captain Hook so is an evil pirate. When he is first shown in the extract he shouts in a very frightening way which helps us know before we have even heard this character speak, that he is someone to be frightened of.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Tuesday 22 September 2015

The gender in this extract is not always typical because commonly in movies, the woman role is less superior than the male role. In this extract, the female role is just as good at her job of being a spy as the male role. For this reason the female role is not a typical stereo type. However, the stereotypic female role in movies usually falls for the handsome man, which is what happened in this extract. When the female was going up the lift to fight Gregorio, she fell in love by first sight which is a typical thing for women to do in movies as they are seen as weaker than the men.

Race and nationality:
Race and nationality is stereotyped in this extract by the good looking Mexican man, who was the male. Spanish/ Mexican men are usually tan which is thought to be attractive in a man. The reason for the male’s good looks meant that the woman fell in love with him as soon as she saw him. Race and nationality is also stereotyped in the extract when the male first appears. The music then plays some stereotypic Spanish music including a few guitar strums. The male also had a moustache which many people assume Mexican’s have.

Love and marriage:
Love and marriage in the extract is stereotypical in some ways but not in others. The love in Paris with fireworks is very stereotypical as Paris is thought to be the place of love. However, their love is not stereotypical in other ways because they have to hide from each other in order to stay safe. For example when the male proposed he didn’t get down on one knee and ask for marriage which is the stereotypical way of proposing. He instead quickly threw the ring from one end of the balcony to the other in a very secretive way. The other way their love is not stereotypical is because they do not show much public affection like kissing, as they are worried about getting caught. However, the final scene in the extract involves the two characters jumping off a bridge with parachutes that are heart shaped. This shows a forward typical love which does fit the love and marriage stereotype in movies.

Spies are very stereotypical in this extract. They wear suits to make them come across as smart and well put together. The woman also changes her wig every so often which is very typical for spies because spies try and disguise themselves as much as possible. This is the same as the male, who wore sun glasses to hide his identity which is a very typical accessory for spies.

Monday 14 September 2015

This is the beginning of my second print perfume advertisement. The tagline and name of the perfume is going to be shown in the corners of the photo. 

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Quotes about my Justin Bieber Girlfriend ad:
'Justin Bieber can make any girl faint with his trademark wink, so the new commercial for his perfume'.
'As befits a performer whose following is concentrated so much among young people'
“With Girlfriend, we are channeling the spirit and passion of one of the largest, most dedicated digital fan bases on earth,”

The central representation of this advertisement uses celebrity endorsement of Lulu, a 1960's pop star.

The Gigi perfume was conceived in the swinging sixties, which was a youth-oriented phenomenon that emphasized the new and modern. It was a cultural revolution in that young people claimed power to dress in their own style, dance to their own music and to speak out for themselves. Lulu's representation is partly constructed through her clothes; bold prints, bright colours and mini skirts. Clothes like this was a statement of young people's freedom, their freedom and what they wanted to wear; this was a new, expressive and confident style.
Lulu's body is pushed forward showing us confidence and happiness in her dance posture. She also stands out in front of a dark, gloomy background which is a mono effect of a concert, so the advert has made Lulu come across as the most jolly person there. This print presents Lulu in a way that makes her look as if she is performing the twist from her famous track (Shout 1864). Lulu would bring her fanbase to this perfume Gigi as they would easily relate to it as her as the face of Gigi.

Lulu's bright red clothes, shoes and hair make her stand out a lot compared to the monochrome background. This relates to the slogan in the print 'perfume in a swinging mood'. The background of the print seems to be a very dull and washed out, so the perfume has put Lulu in a 'swinging mood' and that is what the central message is.

In comparison to my other perfume advertisements, the message is very different in this one. My other two perfumes Girlfriend and Vivaudou use the advertisement to present romance. By wearing the perfume, men will fall in love with you. However, the message in Gigi has nothing to do with romance but with happiness; if you wear the perfume, you will be in a swinging mood. 

Wednesday 22 April 2015

 B321analyticalassignment; a comparison of the representation of  women and men in fragrance advertisment from the 1920's, 1960's and2012.
I have chosen to compare three different advertisments that cover a rande of representatins; 'Vivaudou's Mavis (print 1920's)', 'GiGi Perfume Advert, Lulu

Vivaudou's Mavis (print, 1920)
The central representation in this advertisement is of a woman who appears to be in a close embrace with a vision of herself in a mirror.  She is kissing herself and pressing up close against the mirror. She is in a long, beautiful, purple velvet gown and is expressing herself as irresistible (the tag line says) because she could attract any man, wearing this perfume and she is imagining the event.

  There could be two ideas of what the message is. First of all it could be that the woman is so in love with her own beauty that she cannot get away from herself. Her hands seem to be clasping the mirror which shows she never wants to stop looking at her own beauty. The second idea this print could be about is that she is rehearsing her night of all the men admiring her and how she is going to seduce the men. She is showing that all men will swoop at her feet and will in an instant be under her spell.

She is in a long velvet gown showing her wealth and is dressed in sumptuously expensive, extravagant and theatrical clothing, suggesting wealth and social success.  The dress is also backless which shows a lot of skin; this represents her as a sex object and is very appealing for men. The woman offers an aspirational model of affluence and romance. Due to how wealthy the women looks, the brand offers a life style beyond the average buyer but one that the target audience aspires to live: the world of haute couture, evening soirees and wealthy lovers.

The representation of the woman is also made through the way the colour is used. The colours in this print are very high key and highly saturated. It is very extensive as it glows yet suggests the darkness and privacy of her private boudoir. The colour repeats and intensifies with her lipstick and the brand colours of the product packaging. The background is red which is a colour that connotes passion. Passion is also shown through the woman's rather frienzed posture and her fantasy rehearsal of a romantic embrace. The colour red is rich, it is the colour of sexuality and can stimulate deeper and more intimate passions in us, such as love and sex. This relates to how the woman is rehearsing her night of the men's desire towards her. It also relates to physical desire by sex, appetite and cravings.

In comparison to my other fragrances; this advertisement is similar to Girlfriend as it conveys the ways in which women will be admired by wearing a perfume. However, the perfumes are different because Girlfriend is very futuristic and is a moving image so it shows various ways Justin Bieber attracts the girl. In this print ad, it can only show one image of the woman so it has showed all the ways in how men will feel about her, just in one picture. It is different to GiGi as GiGi perfume is about wearing a perfume for yourself as by doing so will put you in a great mood.